Just what we need

by Miles Fortis ⌂ @, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Thursday, April 03, 2014, 04:48 (3830 days ago) @ MR

News reports are that the shooter was a Iraq veteran with PTSD mental problems etc.

We've got enough problems with the VA sending names of veterans who have an advisor or conservator appointed to run their financial affairs to ATF and being declared prohibited persons and DHS et al. running off at the mouth about veterans among the group of people who should be considered possible domestic terrorists and this happens.

Uncle got what he paid for.

"The Surge" required lowering the physical, moral and mental enlistment standards. I know, because I saw PV1s going through basic at Knox in '07 to '09 who would never have been accepted earlier.

Several of the Drill Sergeants there just rolled their eyes when I asked about some of the soldiers even my untrained eye could pick out as "different".

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