Spring arrived while we were in Clarksville

by brionic @, Monday, March 31, 2014, 12:20 (3833 days ago)

We made it home in good time. The daylight drive through the Arkansas countryside was a great pleasure. We took 21 through the forest, past the elk, north easterly through Missou. Saw no other northbound traffic until we got nearly to Compton - which, by the way, is a bit nicer than that other Compton with which I'm familiar.

The boys laughed the whole way home, talking about their favorite moments and memories. They are psyched that they received two .22s on this visit - the Rascal and the profoundly appreciated Bearcat that youall had made up in honor of Dashiell. Words fail, but thanks are in order.

We arrived back in town just in time for them to make the pool party with a bunch of sixth grade girls... a fine way to cap a their weekend of guns, blades, grub, hats, tales, and friends.

Sumner DID sleep with his pipe hawk again last night, and Orson, after finishing a couple of hours of homework, worked on carefully opening and closing his Voyager. Smiles all around. The boys have already worked out a plan to earn a LOT more shooting time this year, after setting it aside during our ordeal. Thank you all for helping rejuvenate their interest.

We had a great time visiting with all of you, and missed those who weren't around. Thanks for having us back Jason, and thanks Linda and Tom for letting us back in the house! Drop us a line if you're coming through corn country; you're all welcome here.

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