The traveling sixgun; 5" 629, I picked it up in Wasilla, AK

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, March 25, 2014, 13:13 (3839 days ago)

circa 2007. I traded it to Andy Shelton , he traded it to Lee Jurras, and Lee traded it back to me. It shoots great, always has...I wonder now, why I traded it away then?
Yesterday we made a day hunt at a small game ranch in Northern AZ. I walked up on this pig, sleeping in the oak scrub brush. I got so close, without the pig I figured it for a lion kill...then it woke up & headed my way, a 240 grain JHP over a pile of 2400 did the trick. My son had shot a Hawaiian Black ram and a friend's 15 year old son shot a Dahl sheep later that afternoon after a couple hours of scrambling up and around a tangled jumble of rocks. A fun day.

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