Back in 1971...

by Murphy @, Friday, March 14, 2014, 05:45 (3850 days ago) @ FOWLER

I went to visit some friends at their deer camp a few miles down the road from ours. One had killed a nice 8 point buck and we'd barely gotten it strung up in a tree before the fun broke loose.

It wasn't much after dark when this took place. We hadn't even got the lanterns lit and one of them heard some 'noise' and jumped up in the back of pickup. The other fellow followed quickly and instinct told me it might be wise to do the same. So there we stood, the 3 of us in the back of the pickup and me wondering why so I asked. "Something" is out there, don't know what it is...but it's big replied one of them.

The rifles were already in the tent so one hopped down from the pickup and grabbed 2 of them. He returned and they handed me the light. I finally heard where the noise was coming from and found a pair of eyes shining. It finally stepped from behind the bushes and all hell broke loose. It was a huge (and I do mean huge) wild hog. He was approximately 35-40 yards away and started to cross a small opening, he never finished it.

All in all, in the end it took all three of us to load him by hand. He had a wicked set of tusks on him for sure. My friends carried him back to Oklahoma City where they were from. He wound up 400 Lbs of wrapped meat. Yeah, they're out there.


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