I read the book y Mr. Rowen

by Jim Raymond @, New Jersey, Sunday, March 09, 2014, 22:25 (3858 days ago) @ AkRay

I just read Rowans book about the life of "Jelly Bryce" Frankly, I'm at a loss to say that I've been around a long time and have never heard of Mr. Bryce, I've read about Ed Macgivern, Charles Askins, Bill Jordan, Bob Miculik, Thell Reed but never this guy why have the pundits at all the gun magazines have not written about him if he was indeed such a wizard with a sixgun. Frankly some of the stuff in the book leaves a lot to the imagination, one photo shows some coins struck five times as they were thrown in the air, really, even Bob Munden said once a coin is hit by a bullet it flies out of sight, so hitting one five times has to be impossible. Frankly I think it is greatly exaggerated.

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