Yesterday, I got a tour of Fred Wells Rifle Shop...

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, February 16, 2014, 10:51 (3876 days ago)

Very cool; mills, lathes, tools, guns! The "Pattern room" was worth the whole day...If you dream of Africa or appreciate fine rifles this is a the place. 51o Wells ... Fred Wells Bullpup Enfield in 300 H&H...Mannlicher-Schoenauer carbines... One of the many joys of being back in Prescott! Fred's Widow, Rachel Wells is still doing her fantastic engraving...I have a date to drop off my cherished 629 Mountain Gun, for some of her excellent work.

This blog entry by Robert H. Boatman sums up my visit;

"Fred Wells’ Old Place: Hallowed Ground

Fred is not with us anymore. But he will not be forgotten."
Obit on Fred Wells

I am honored to have had the opportunity to get to know Fred's Wife, Rachel, one of his sons, Rube and grandson, Todd (We went to Prescott High together).
I am very glad to see that Fred's legacy lives on the Well Gun Shop is still making fine rifles in their hard to find little shop.

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