A victory in California... Sort of

by Drago, Thursday, February 13, 2014, 23:07 (3878 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

A three judge panel heard the case and made the decision. The San Diego County Sheriff can request an "en Banc" hearing with all eleven judges hearing and deciding the case. The full court may not see things the same way.

California is a "may issue" state when it comes to LTC's. In the northern counties, LTC's are relatively easy to get. Except for San Bernardino County, the southern counties not easy at all. The out going Los Angeles County Sheriff, for example, only issued to movie stars and campaign contributors. Anybody else, forget it. At issue in this case was whether "self defense" was good cause to get an LTC. The lower court judge held that since there was, at that time, "Unloaded Open Carry" the plaintiff could protect himself that way. Since then, the state legislature did away with that option since too many nit wits used it as a way to "exercise their rights", and scared the soccer moms at Starbucks.

So we shall see just how much of a victory this will be.

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