OK deer hunters I have a pool to take

by uncowboy, Thursday, February 13, 2014, 14:38 (3879 days ago)

I hunt in a very hard pressured area in south Jersey. Now I know heavy pressure means different things to everyone, If I take 1 sq mile where I hunt I have to figure 16-25 other people are in that same block as well as hoarse riders bikers and duck hunters mixed through out and around the edges.
The question is a bird in the hand.
I have let 5 different spike bucks walk by that I could have easily killed, This was in hope of getting a bigger buck walking with the spike. Now the riff. I have NEVER had this work out favorably for me. Not once did I pass the spike and get the bigger deer. What usually happens is the deer walk about 65 yards apart and the spike closes into 15 yds and the buck is out at 75. The spike gets your wind or busts your movement when you try for a shot. NOTE every time I let the spike go I ate the buck tag. So now I think I am going to start shooting the first buck I can and take what I can get. What are your thoughts? Do any of you have success in letting smaller bucks pass? J.Michael

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