more on 'nickle' bullet shooting..pistol was a 7'62 Browning

by John Meeker @, Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 18:29 (3881 days ago)

The news reporting down in SA is worse than ours for getting facts mixed up..wasn't a .22lr as reported. Was Brownining 7'62 ... the latest...

Yesterday I finally heard some information directly from the defence attorney who
was being interview by the local CNN channel.
He said there were traces of copper in the wound and no nickel that should have
been there if the bullet came from the victims Browning pistol because the bullets
found in it had nickel jackets; he said "they were silver bullets" sic.
He also mentioned that the perpetrator was found by the police wounded and was
held for at least three hours before being taken to hospital.
How the traces of copper were found I do not know. I also do not know what
happened to the bullet, as it is not available to the prosecution.
We know from experience that we sometimes have assorted ammo and it may well
be that the victim had copper jacketed bullets also.
I find highly unlikely that metal detection in a wound, after several hours can be
done, but I am ignorant on the matter. Any and all comments are more than

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