by bob, Saturday, February 08, 2014, 20:23 (3884 days ago) @ Aaron O'Meara

Met Doc back around 1999 when I first found on line gun forums. While I've not heard from him in years, and knew him to be in declining health, I will miss him. Medics are very special people, they have ability beyond their training, the kinds of abilities only taught by very bad experiences, while Doc was never my medic, as a company grade officer I knew that taking care of the team medic was the very best insurance I could buy. In Viet Nam we called them "Bac Si", roughly translated that means "Doctor", more especially it is an honorific recognition of the ability and importance of the man.
The best I can do now is to raise my glass in honor of Bac Si O'Meara and say, "TO Absent Friends". God rest you Doc. You are missed.

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