Looking for an Armi San Marco 58 Rem cylinder

by Bob Hatfield @, Saturday, February 08, 2014, 04:16 (3884 days ago)

Picked up a pristine unfired Armi San Marco 58 Remington at a variety shop a few weeks ago and was tuning her up. I noticed that when cocked the hammer back the nipple was offset. Looking down the barrel with a light I can clearly see each cylinder hole is not lined up with the barrel. It has a nice long forcing cone but that mis-alignment bugs me. I haven't shot it yet. It must have been made on a Monday after a long weekend eating spaghetti and drinking whatever they drink over there as each cylinder locking notch is about a 1/32nd of a inch off. Might not make much of a difference when you are already swaging a ball into the cylinder anyway and then that gob of lead that doesn't even resemble a bullet gets re-sized and re-shaped as it enters the barrel. But the hammer only grabs half of the nipple.

A Pietta cylinder is too long but could be fitted by altering the frame and back of the barrel of the revolver. I have an extra one of those and may go that route.

So any of you that may have a junker lying around maybe an old Armi San Marco brass framed gun that was worn out and still sitting in a box of junk somewhere I sure could use the cylinder. Seem like the CVA revolvers were made by this company before they went under.



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