
by Otony, Saturday, February 01, 2014, 22:20 (3891 days ago) @ anachronism

We had one in the shop for the longest time, and I basically turned my nose up whenever someone would look at it. Then around the beginning of December I was idly playing with it, and realized that it was not only short and light, it handled amazingly well.

I started thinking (uh-oh) about it, and figured what's the difference between a SxS coach gun and an O/U version other than how the barrels line up? Both are short, two shots, and handy as all get out. The more I played with it, the more it felt as though it actually handled better than a traditional coach gun to boot. Decided to buy it when we came back from Florida the middle of last month, only to discover it had sold while I was gone!

Tried, really tried, to teach my wife the manual of arms with my Ithaca 37 riot gun, and she just wasn't interested enough to manage slide release, pumping, etc. Not afraid, just not her cup of tea. But hand her any double in the house and she would push off the safety and pull the triggers. I guess having the safety on the top tang IS pretty intuitive.

I had her mess around with a Mossy pump (top safety, right?) but she would forget to pump (I'm sure this is a result of her only playing with DA revolvers and semi-autos). What to do? Buy the sexiest coach gun ever!

I think this would be a terror on wild pigs, using slugs, and not bad medicine for things that bite in general. After all, doubles ruled the dangerous game field for quite sometime before repeaters came along. No one messed with John Wayne when he pulled out his Greener, right? Least ways not for very long. In fact, Jeff Quinn tested a very similar gun from Mossberg awhile back and gave it a thumbs up. If anything, this is a nicer gun than the one he tried out, nicer features.

So! Anything to keep her protected, and if this is what it takes, so be it. I will paint the safety day-glo orange, and install a green laser with a remote switch velcroed to the forend. Evil doers beware.......


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