Next great gun cleaning product - puppy pads...

by JD, Western Washington, Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 14:22 (4614 days ago)

My gun cleaning bench used to be covered with old newspapers and paper towels to absorb the drips of solvent and oil as I cleaned and worked on guns. It was really somewhat of a mess.... :-D During my last trip to the pet store for canned food for my German Shorthair Pointer I happened to see packages of "puppy pads" for house training puppies, and a light went on (a rare occurances, I assure you...) and I bought a pack to try out on my cleaning bench. I got rid of all the old newspapers and paper towels and put down a couple of puppy pads and guess what? They work great!!!! They absorb all the drips, and have plastic on the back side so the stuff can't soak through. I don't know why I never thought of this before. They're roughly 2 foot square, and fairly cheap (I paid about $10 for a package of 25, and on-line they're a whole lot cheaper...). I've had the same pads on my bench for a while yet and they're still very absorbant, so they seem to last a while before needing replacement.

I just thought I'd let my great friends here in on the newest thing for gun cleaning...


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