An explanation re: the friend mentioned in the post below...

by uncowboy, Friday, January 31, 2014, 07:27 (3892 days ago) @ Otony

Tony, I know all too well of your sorrow having lost my best friend since 5th grade much in the same way. As far as you abandoning him don't believe it. My friend had the biggest support group that anyone could hope for and we were there for him and the more we tried to help the harder he pushed us away . He would hang with undesirables and people that have wronged him just because they accepted his behavior. If you tried harder to help your friend he would have walked away from you and the harder you fought to help the more he would have hurt you to push you away.
It is nice that you sensed he was hurting and tried to reach out but he also had the ability to type your name in a computer as well. I have learned that we can not take responsibility for what our friends do because in the long run it is what they did not what you didn't prevent. Hope you stop hurting soon, J.Michael

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