This could be the year...

by pokynojoe, Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 11:49 (3894 days ago) @ Tom Richardson

I recently sold my '82 Buick Skylark,(didn't get a lot, but I have a buddy who's more desperate for a ride than me) and picked up a '97 Buick Century. It's the latest model vehicle I've ever owned! Practically new! So far, I've only had to put a new alternator and battery in it, and I have to take the radiator out and get it boiled out, but other than that, it runs good, and should get me to Arkansas. It's only got 60K on it and I got it for a song! Good tires, leather interior, heck, it's even got a tape player in it!(have to get some tapes though) Good comfortable back seat to sleep in! Only problem is I don't have much to shoot with. That's ok though, I haven't been anywheres since last spring, road trip would be nice regardless. I'll come and watch ya'll, I'm a good watcher.

This could be the year!

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