I Be Done See About Everything

by Charles, Tuesday, January 28, 2014, 12:03 (3895 days ago)

Last week a nephew while taking his 6 year old to the neighborhood mailbox for a school assignment, a 19 year old exploded out of his house and began cursing my nephew. Said nephew being a former Army DI instructed the kid to watch his language around his child. The kid responded by taking 4 foot stick out of his car and began to swing it at the nephew who swatted him with the kids bicycle in his hand. The kids had created problems before and a neighbor ( a fireman) had installed a camera which recorded the incident.

The police filed charges on the kid and issues a warrant for Aggravated Assault which is a State Jail Felony now. This morning nephew talked to the PD to see if an arrest had been made. Here was informed...now get this...The kid was known to fight the police, so the warrant was handed off to the US marshals as they had a special team to arrest violent offenders.

I find the handing off of the warrant to the Feds simply amazing. I should think two local officers with a tazer and night sticks could make short work of this kid and give him a good instruction in the process. Times they are achanging!

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