Sometimes memory can be a funny thing.

by whirlibird, Friday, January 24, 2014, 12:23 (3899 days ago)

Gents, first let me say that it's been interesting perusing the board here. Sometime back I drifted off from most of the boards I used to frequent, life just got in the way.

While at Shot Show I met up with an interesting gent, Rob Leahy at his booth. For the life of me, I couldn't remember where I knew the name from, besides the holsters. Then as I was searching around for some other information, there was Leahy's name and a reference to the old board. The memory started to clear and then lo and behold, I came across the link to this board.

Imagine my surprise to see a number of familiar 'names' from the past.
I hope time has been kind to everyone, I look forward to catching up in time.

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