Couple of interesting rimfires came into the shop.....

by Otony, Friday, January 24, 2014, 11:56 (3899 days ago)

We had a customer trade in a Weatherby MKXXII, Japanese made, nice wood, good shape except the stock finish is foggy in spots. I remember these as being quite desirable back in the '70s. It sure handles nicely, but has a miserable rear sight. Front is fine, but the rear is a two leaf affair with notches about the size of a first year 1911, tiny! I might pick it up, but I've read that some can be finicky feeders.

Second was a new rifle, Tandoglio Appeal auto loading bullpup in .22WRM. interesting looking, if you like that sort of thing, it sort of resembles the now discontinued Walther G22. Adjustable length of pull, switchable from RH to LH, and fairly reasonable cost. Jury is still out on these, as we have no hands on experience, but it looks like it could be a lot of fun. WRM auto loaders are few and far between, and typically expensive, so if this works it looks lie EAA has a winner on their hands.

Almost forgot, we got in a Glock 42 .380 as well. Much smaller and slimmer than the Internet commandos led us to believe. If it were slightly scaled up to 9mm it would be quite interesting, but is a perfect .380 as it stands.


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