Recovered bullet pics

by John K., Sunday, January 19, 2014, 19:10 (3904 days ago)

Son-in-law made a bad shot on a deer with his Ruger Scout at about 250yds; turns out the scope was out of zero. Told him it was the first time in my 40yrs of deer hunting I had ever seen someone hit both hams, both loins, and both tenderloins with one shot. :-(

Anyway, the deer was down and he finished it off at about 15yds with his CCW - a Ruger 1911 loaded with 185gr Hornady Zombie Max ammo (I know, I gave him hell for that too). However, the performance surprised me - entrance was on the right shoulder (missed bone), broke a rib going in, traversed the chest cavity leaving respectable damage, broke a rib going out and lodged in the left shoulder. The bullet had shed the jacket but they were located together along with the little green tip. Lead was expanded to about 3/4".

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