35 Remington

by rob @, Monday, February 13, 2012, 09:55 (4615 days ago)

I have a 35 Whelen 700 CDL being held for me but my original intent was a compact, all around rifle for out to about 150 yards. I think I might prefer the Model Seven CDL as its lighter, more compact and more to what I'm looking for...I've just always wanted a Whelen and so set this one aside. Im curious what your experiences are with the 35 Remington, and if in a bolt action, the performance might be slightly improved...SLIGHTLY being the operative word:) Thanks, rob

35 Remington

by Wildcat, Flint Hills of Kansas, Monday, February 13, 2012, 10:01 (4615 days ago) @ rob

No bolt rifle but I have a Marlin 336 SC in .35. Used it a bit for deer and hogs. I've always used the Remington 200 grain core lockt and its always been a DRT rifle. I like it.

Why not a Rem 7 in .308?

by bj @, Monday, February 13, 2012, 11:03 (4615 days ago) @ rob

You could load the .308 with good 165 and 180 grain bullets.

But as to your first question, a Rem 7 should have a higher pressure limit than a Marlin 336 and thus would allow the .35 Rem to be a little more powerful.

Why not a Rem 7 in .308?

by rob @, Monday, February 13, 2012, 12:43 (4615 days ago) @ bj

I thought about that but I already have a 30-06. It's not as compact as the Model Seven but its not really what I want. I'm down to a 30-30 or a 35 caliber and leaning heavy toward the 35 Remington. I already have a 357 Marlin...just want something with a bit more thump.

Beautiful wood stock on a LI 35 rem marlin Older serial

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, February 13, 2012, 15:49 (4615 days ago) @ rob

at Bucky O'Neill's. proly 500 for it. Not sure. Just noticed the outstanding wood.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

there's always .350RM

by bj @, Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 10:00 (4614 days ago) @ rob

I suppose you could handload it to whatever level you want but it is capable of serious thump. It is available in Remington 600, 660 and 7.

there's always .350RM

by rob @, Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 17:22 (4614 days ago) @ bj

The 350 Mag Model Seven was my original plan that started this whole ball rolling. It's a bit more than I want. I ordered a 35 Rem 336 this afternoon.

35 Remington Used it like it OK. But the Whelen or a 350 Rem

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, February 13, 2012, 11:07 (4615 days ago) @ rob

mag would be a far more versatile load. Flatter shooting wider variety of loads. Like choosing .38 spl instead of 357 mag. the mag can shoot the same level of light loads and heavy loads. The 350 rem mag is like .338 but available in short handy rifles. Bill Hoyt, a log time friend and real Sourdough type Alaskan has shot everything that can be shot in Alaska and everything but elephant in Africa used a 350 rem or 35 Whelen for it all.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

My 35 Rem Marlin

by Bud, Monday, February 13, 2012, 12:14 (4615 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

shoots 200 gr SSK CB's and at 200 yds is deadly w/wide flat meplat. If that is your yardage limit it should do just fine. However the 335Whelen, 350Rem or even 358W and 358Norma would be a better choice if greater distance is involved. However I've whacked deer and antelope with a 30/30 levergun and pistol at 300 yds and they didn't do anything but DRT.

35 Remington Used it like it OK. But the Whelen or a 350 Rem

by rob @, Monday, February 13, 2012, 12:37 (4615 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Rob, I know the Whelen or 350 Mag would do it all but my original intent was a lighter more compact rifle that will handle everything I currently hunt which is basically Texas deer and hogs and an occasional foray into Arkansas for deer and black bear, all ranges generally under 175 yards and lots of thick woods. I just don't really need the power of the Whelen or 350.

35 Remington Used it like it OK. But the Whelen or a 350 Rem

by rob @, Monday, February 13, 2012, 12:39 (4615 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I was really contemplating the 30-30 but kinda think the 35 Remington might have a slight edge and be a bit more interesting.

this is weird, I was just contemplating the same thing

by Corderhorse, Monday, February 13, 2012, 13:31 (4615 days ago) @ rob

With it's dimensions a bit reduced from the 308 family. I was musing on if it would fit in the CZ 527 platform, however I don't have one in hand to establish magazine length. Since they are available in 223, the mag length would be at least Saami, but it needs to be about .250 longer for proper fit of the 35.

I was thinking of it, not only as a light rifle, but as a swell kids rifle. The cartridge has bullet mass and frontal area, something the 6mm's and 25's don't. Sure range is more limited but in the youngsters role, or even ours if we are honest with ourselves, how much do we really need? The obvious advantage is reduced loads with handgun bullets. Year around rifle from small game to kids practice to full house loads. :-)

A-yep. I wanted to pick up a Rem 799 with much the same idea

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Monday, February 13, 2012, 13:40 (4615 days ago) @ Corderhorse

I figured someone would do a close-out on them but it never happened. The .22-250 gets real close, size-wise, to the .35Rem...

799 Remington, Great idea.

by Corderhorse, Monday, February 13, 2012, 16:10 (4615 days ago) @ Hoot

Made into a trim rifle with schnabel forend, trim barrel. Now I got a jones going for something like this.


by Bud, Monday, February 13, 2012, 18:57 (4615 days ago) @ rob

I've hunted with and shot quite a few head of game with a plain ole 14" TC 357Herrett. That does include one cow elk, many muleys and a buttload of antelope, marmots, jacks, etc. Thats what I had at the time and I was damned good with that gun. The 35Rem out of a 14" TC has more FPS than the Herrett and out of a rifle there is no comparison. The 35 Rem will do anything you wish to do but you still have to place the bullet , wher it lives.


by rob @, Monday, February 13, 2012, 21:18 (4615 days ago) @ Bud

That's all the confidence I need Bud...thanks:) I think I'm just gonna go Marlin 336 and be done with it!


by Bud, Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 08:13 (4614 days ago) @ rob

I have the 35Rem 1/2 magazine Marlin w/pistol grip. Fine lookin rifle if I must say. It has set of medium target Williams peeps on it. Great for still shots...not so great for close up running shots. Only had it couple years..killed lot of rocks with it so far.

The 35 Remington was my first lever and my first 35.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Monday, February 13, 2012, 13:36 (4615 days ago) @ rob

Growth in both categories has been experienced. ;-)

The only thing I have shot with the .35 Rem is a 300lb sow hog. If I were a better shot, it would have been all over at the first shot rather than the second. It's a fine cartridge and capable of doing what you describe in a light, handy package. I have shot them in a Contender, both pistol and carbine and would think they'd both do as well.

My .350 Rem Mag is in a Ruger M77 and I have two complaints. The magazine restricts COAL and the heavier bullets need to be seated quite deep which intrudes on powder space. It works real well with the Sierra 225gr Game Kings and also kills hogs dead. The second complaint , and maybe just with my rifle, is the feeding of the first round. It's fairly balky but the 2nd and 3rd (3 round mag) are fine. Haven't looked at that issue.

My .358 Win is also a Ruger M77. Wonderful cartridge and set up. Also kills hogs very well.

The next 35 going to chase hogs was originally a Marlin .30-30 which has been rebored to .356 Win. Light, compact package; more oomph than the .35 Rem. I expect it'll also do well.

Then there's the .35 Whelen and the .35 Newton and the .358 Norma Mag....too much fun!

35 Remington

by Bob Hatfield @, Monday, February 13, 2012, 16:24 (4615 days ago) @ rob

A hunting friend has used a Remington 760 for probably 35 years and has taken 50 to 60 deer with it using 200gr corelokt factory loads. Open sights only throws the gun up and slings lead weighs them down until he gets a killing shot.

Seriously, he says deer always go "Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ( with a gagging look) and fall over.

I used a 35 Marlin in 08 to take an 8 point. I made a straight on shot (hate that shot)in the center of the chest during a snow storm at 100 yards. Deer took off like a grey hound. I was using Hornady leverevolution rounds. No blood and was sure of the shot. Tracked him down pawing at the ground eating. 50 yards bang flop broadside. THe first shot hit exactly where I aimed. He had just started bleeding out of his backside. THe first round drove through that deer without hitting anything vital execpt some guts. Looked like it went under the spine and over the heart and between the lungs if thats possible. The second shot (broadside) was straight through the lungs (classic).

Only straight on shot I'll take from here on out regardless of caliber will be the neck.

I still like using the 35 Remingto though.


35 Remington

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Thursday, February 16, 2012, 01:16 (4613 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

I've got a Contender for sale, a Super 16 in 35 Rem ... if you like a challenge :-D

Super 16 .35

by Jared, Thursday, February 16, 2012, 07:58 (4612 days ago) @ Warhawk

I have been looking for a Super 16 .35 Remington. How much do you want for it? Is it blued or Stainless?

Super 16 .35

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Thursday, February 16, 2012, 09:46 (4612 days ago) @ Jared

It's blue, excellent condition except for a small scratched spot bottom side of the barrel, just behind the muzzle. $350


Thanks for all the input guys...

by rob @, Monday, February 13, 2012, 21:23 (4615 days ago) @ rob

I think I'm just gonna get a 336 Marlin in 35 Remington and be content with that. I have never shot at game over 150 yards so I really don't think it will much of a handicap:) I appreciate all the input,

my solution was

by Lloyd Smale, Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 04:43 (4614 days ago) @ rob

ive got a little 356 win big bore that nonoman cut the barrrel off to 17 inch that hits like a sledgehammer and carrys as well as a 94 marlin. Out to a 100 yards or so the 35 rem will defineately take care of business but the 356 does it at an honest 200.

35 Remington

by Otony, Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 08:49 (4614 days ago) @ rob

The bolt action rifle that Marlin is building (XL7 or some such name) has a barrel secured to the receiver in a manner similar to a Savage, using some sort of barrel nut.

These Marlins are available in a short action version, and one enterprising fellow had a barrel made for .35 Remington. Apparently it shoots like a house afire, and he can always swap out for the original, which was either a .243 or a .308, cannot recall which.

With a steel replacement trigger guard (original is plastic) it would be a quite nice rifle, at much less than the cost of a Remington Seven, even given the cost of the second barrel.

Just a thought......

35 Remington

by Jared, Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 15:35 (4614 days ago) @ rob

The .35 Remington is a great round. I have used it mainly on hogs and it works great. My biggest boar was shot with a 336 and a 200 gr Remington Handload. He was running about 60-75 yards out. I hit him in the shoulder, he ran another 25 yards or so.

This sow was shot at about 165 yards. I hit her above the right eye and the exit was out the left rear leg.

35 Remington

by uncowboy, Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 15:52 (4614 days ago) @ Jared

I have the Ruger Frontier in 358 win and a scout set up. it is like carrying a BB gun in the woods Compact and with the 265 Gr cast it is a sledg hammer out to 250 shoots POA. J.Michael

35 Remington

by Jared, Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 16:10 (4614 days ago) @ uncowboy

I want a .358 but have never got one. I have been tempted by several /358 BLRs

35 Remington

by rob @, Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 17:25 (4614 days ago) @ Jared

Thats pretty serious performance! I ordered a twin to your rifle this afternoon.

35 Remington

by DiamondD, Friday, February 17, 2012, 17:59 (4611 days ago) @ Jared

What did that bore tip the scales at? I envy you guys who can hunt pigs year round!

35 Remington

by Jared, Saturday, February 18, 2012, 12:17 (4610 days ago) @ DiamondD

Not a clue, I am guessing 350 or so. I am 6'2" and about 250.

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