Shooting Gallery episode, H. Bowen building a 500 Linebaugh

by AkRay, Sunday, February 12, 2012, 19:04 (4616 days ago)

Taken from another website. I'll be watching this episode of Michael Bane's show.

"Next Wednesday (15 February) is my SHOOTING GALLERY episode on custom guns, featuring Hamilton Bowen building a .500 Linebaugh Nimrod and a second piece on Cylinder & Slide's Bill Laughridge's Quixotic quest to build a 1911 exactly the same as the first 500 1911 sthat rolled off the Colt lines in January 1912. The show includes a sit-down interview with Hamilton in the studio.

I'm pretty proud of this episode, and I hope it's one you guys will like.

Michael B"

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