Some prayers needed folks

by Jhenry, Sunday, January 12, 2014, 19:25 (3911 days ago)

My good friend, and comrade in arms from another time, Billy Willy. Yep that's his name, William E. Willy, Billy Willy, is in the hospital and it is very grave.

Frankly he has had issues over the years and didn't treat himself as well as he should have. It took it's toll on his body, and on his family. At any rate, the most recent issue was a stroke. They opened his skull due to swelling of the brain and as I understand it some grey matter has been lost as well. It is not good. Maybe 50/50 for just plain survival let alone any decent recovery.

I had Doug tell him that if he didn't fight as hard as he could he was a pussy. Doug tells me that got a reaction, and a middle finger, and a half smile. That was yesterday, today he is not responsive.

We were all young once, and when we were, this guy was just who you wanted on your team. My friend Doug went to see him and when I spoke to Doug today the whole thing sounded worse than I thought. I will be checking air fares in the AM.

Please pray for my friend.

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