by uncowboy, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 09:50 (3916 days ago)

Wind chill is -7 to -12 here in NJ today. We are not used to this kind of cold. People panic and empty the store shelves. ME I made a big cast iron pot of venison stew. Tonight comfort food in front of the fire with my wife. Hope you are all doing as well. J.Michael

Yessir, most definitely.

by John K., Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 10:19 (3916 days ago) @ uncowboy

When south Alabama, 20 miles from the FL line, hits 14... things are certainly rough in the northern areas. My farm is about 30 miles further north and saw 10deg last night.

It does evoke memories of '78 as Doug mentioned. Despite efforts, our pipes froze in the old farmhouse where I grew up and the next day I was working on burst galvanized pipes all day. Won't forget that.

Wife's family lives in Plymouth, IN, near Ft. Wayne & South Bend. Really rough up there.

I also have a big pot of venison chili made up. :-D

Up, down, up, down. That's what's killing me.

by cas, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 11:22 (3916 days ago) @ John K.

When I got up Saturday morning it was 6 degrees.

When I got up Sunday morning it was 26 degrees.

When I got up Monday morning it was 56 degrees.

When I got up this morning it was 6 degrees again.

Man my sinuses are taking a beating, those big drops are rough. My head feels like its in a vice and my eyeballs are coming out.
I can deal with the heat and I can deal with the cold, but its the transitions that kill me. Makes all my joints hurt, my head, eyes, teeth....

We're on the way back up

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 21:39 (3916 days ago) @ John K.

We were down to -14 last night, wind chills in the -45 to -50 range. We got nearly a foot of snow (11.8") Sunday night. Started out wet and clumpy but the temps drops as it kept coming down so we have 2-3 foot drifts all around. I finally got on the roads some this evening. Even major roads, state highways, etc are like old washed out gravel roads, except its slick ice Instead of dirt and stone!

I went out in the garage today to do some Kydex work and it was down to about 27. I kicked on the salamander and it got up to around 55 in a hurry! Guess we got lucky that no pipes froze up last night. We left cabinets open and faucets running to prevent it.

We had a freezer full of meat and a couple of shelves full of dry goods. That, along with 20 gallons of gas for the generator and 10 gallons of diesel for the salamander and we were good for just about anything!!

It got up to +9 today and is supposed to be upper 20's tomorrow, then into the upper 40's by the weekend, so it'll all be a memory by Monday!

Jenny was reading in the paper today that this past Saturday was Kroger's single highest sales day in their history!!
Things were defined flying off the shelves! We grabbed a couple extra gallons of milk just due to the fact that all four of us would be home for a few days, but other than that, we were good to go.

We just got a break in the cold

by anachronism, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 12:25 (3916 days ago) @ uncowboy

Today is supposed to be around thirty degrees. It's about 25 degrees right now, and it feels colder than -5 did last night for some reason. The kitchen sink froze up Sunday night and it took all day yesterday to get the blasted thing thawed. "Nebraska" only rhymes with "Alaska", but you couldn't tell by the temps in the last few days.

A bitter cold...

by Charles, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 13:36 (3916 days ago) @ uncowboy

50 degrees here this morning in deep South Texas. Well cold is a relevant concept. :-D

We had -12 last night, got up to +2 right now but the

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 14:11 (3916 days ago) @ uncowboy

wind makes it -20 still. Coldest we've had in 15-20 years. Fine inside but the church furnace is limping along waiting on the service man. Some people lost electricity and furnaces gave out. Tough on a lot of people. Even the dog only goes outside long enough to grab a bite of snow and do his stuff, then comes limping back shaking his cold feet.

-11 yesterday morning

by Jhenry, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 17:35 (3916 days ago) @ uncowboy

And 8 above this morning. That's quite an increase. We should see 50 on Saturday.

That's warm enough to ride and I need to change the oil in the Super Glide. I have the oil, and I'll pickup the filter I need on the way home tomorrow.

-2° this morning here. 1° when I left for work.

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 18:03 (3916 days ago) @ uncowboy

All desire to winter over in Alaska is gone. ;-)



we had -20 windchill here in TN low of -2

by stonewalrus, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 19:36 (3916 days ago) @ uncowboy

Lowest temp in around 20 years.

we had -20 windchill here in TN low of -2

by Dennis Eugene @, Prince of Wales Island Alaska, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 20:05 (3916 days ago) @ stonewalrus

Darn, never got below 42 degrees fahrenheit today but it did rain a bit. You guys hunker down and take care a few more days and you'll have toughed her out. Dennis

It's supposed to be nearly 60 by the weekend - seriously

by stonewalrus, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 21:02 (3916 days ago) @ Dennis Eugene

Crazy weather!

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