Dang Hoot! It's 15 Below there in Minneapolis at Noon!

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Monday, January 06, 2014, 13:24 (3917 days ago) @ MR

Hell, we're at -11 in Indy right now! Wind chill of -35. I was out shoveling the drive and letting the vehicles warm up earlier and my eyes actually froze open! Enough moisture from my breath got my eyelashes wet, and the proceeded to freeze tight to my face! That was slightly disconcerting....

I did take an opportunity to do the boiling water to snow trick as well as blowing some bubbles and watching them freeze and fall to the ground.

News keeps comparing this to the blizzard of '78. I was only two at the time, so mot much memory of it! We do have most of Indiana under an emergency travel only situation, so I had to stay home from work today. Not sure about tomorrow yet....

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