Good epoxies....

by Gunner @, St Louis, Friday, January 03, 2014, 22:01 (3920 days ago) @ Kentucky

I only use the top brand of epoxy, taking no chances on a handle coming loose. As for moisture getting behind the handle, never say never I guess, but doubt it. Here is how I do of my handles...first I rough cut the slabs, checking overall size, grain, color etc. Then outline the tang on the back of the slab, trim on the band saw, flush sand the backside for smooth finish then seal the wood. I use a applicator to apply the epoxy, ok a popsicle stick, to the backside, covering the whole handle, thick coverage, press the handles onto the pins and tang, wipe the excess off best I can, clamp and let set for 24 hours. Basically I made a knife sandwich, I like to see excess epoxy squeezing out all the way around the tang, feel that gives me a good moisture seal between the handle and tang. Though it makes it a pain in the you know what to flush sand the spine of the knife with the handle, darn hardened epoxy is way tougher than the wood, easy to over sand trying to get rid of the dried epoxy and damage the handles in the process. But in the end I believe the effort is worth it.

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