Methinks that was coincidental...

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, January 02, 2014, 23:59 (3921 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

we're on a shared server and no telling who all else is on there. There's a CMS or two that have well known vulnerabilities that may have come under attack due to site managers not updating their systems. Outside of going full bore private server there's not much we can do about it. The team's been doing a pretty darn good job so far, it's been going on off and on for a while now. Each time they whack a mole another pops up. It seems to be down to a dull roar again. The logs on the D.O.S. attack are interesting - a LOT of stuff being thrown our way. Thankfully there's a good tech support group that's on board to fight 'em off.

There's another couple switches thrown to see if we can keep the idiots at bay. Something else that seems to have happened is our spam filter got clogged in the middle of the fray and let 'em in again. It's cleaned out and running again.

Thanks to all our moderators for helping to keep the trash tossed out.

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