I have had two .44 Special Colt SAA resolvers.......

by Otony, Wednesday, December 25, 2013, 16:00 (3929 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

.........HAD being the operative term, sadly enough.

Also had a .357 SAA, a dual cylinder .22 Peacemaker, another dual cylinder .22 New Frontier, a 2nd Gen 1860 Army, a 2nd Gen Pocket Navy, a Python, an Official Police, two Detective Specials, several variations of Colt 1911s and Commanders, a Woodsman, a Lawman, a single shot Lord, a New Service, an Ace, and likely a few other Colts I have forgotten.

What I have not HAD is the sense to keep ANY of the above guns. Not. A. One. I do have a Colt 2nd Gen 3rd Model Dragoon, the Guiseppe Garibaldi edition no less. If I stay focused, I may own that one until I'm pushing up daisies.



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