Texas across the river.....

by JLF @, Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 10:22 (4620 days ago) @ Catoosa

If you're far enough north, the stockyard area at Main & Exchange in Fort Worth is fun. Cowboys bring a "herd" of longhorns right through town at regularly scheduled times. The Tarantula Train makes short hauls around the area, and is well worth the ride. Lots of shopping, and Cattlmen's Steak House. It's all a bit touristy, but there is a lot of authentic history, well preserved as well.

By all means, go to Fredricksburg, west of Austin. German as can be, and your wife will love you for it.:) She can spend all the money shopping while you tour the Pacific War Museum. Nimitz was born and raised there. It's all *very* touristy, but fun, and if you like authentic German food, yer in heaven.

Gonzales, southeast of Austin. Not really "discovered", but a great little town with probably the best museum of Texas Revolution relics in the state, and the curator will talk your arm off.:) Also a great courthouse that still has the gallows, and old original jail.

The "Lonesome Dove" museum is at Texas State Univ. in San Marcos. All of the costumes, props, and Gus's holster rig and Dragoon, as well as Gus himself as he was hauled home with one leg.:)

While at the Alamo, check out ordering a Texas flag to be flown over the Alamo on the date of your choice, and then shipped to you later with a nice certificate. Guaranteed to wow your friends and neighbors.:)


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