They should go Glock and be done with it..nm

by Catoosa, Saturday, December 21, 2013, 11:44 (3933 days ago) @ Charles

Charles, I dern well know better than to disagree with you, but I'm gonna do it anyway. Issuing Glocks to rank-and-file soldiers will get a bunch of them shot. Even the supposedly well-trained cops around here cannot seem to keep their fingers off the triggers of their Glurks, and there have been several accidental shootings. I continue to believe that the Glock, for all it's great features, is an unsafe design without a positive, manually-operated safety.

OTOH, if the U.S. Army were to spec a Glock pistol with a requirement for a manual safety, Glock would have an excuse to make one, and the rest of us could have a great handgun that could be carried and used safely.

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