Funny to compare their sale prices to their regular

by cubrock, Saturday, December 21, 2013, 09:26 (3933 days ago) @ ANoniMousse

Their listed regular prices are obviously from the "scare" period. Their sale prices are still higher than regular prices pre-scare.

I have been trying to sell a couple 1000 round cases of bulk-packed XM855 locally for $435 per case, which is what I paid for it (lucked into a deal on an online auction where no one else bid, but can't afford to keep everything I bought). Haven't sold a one, but have been offered $400 multiple times. You can't order it from anywhere I know for less than almost $500 per case, yet people still aren't buying it. Not much money floating around right now, people are still feeling burned from the panic prices, and there must not be a whole lot selling. I think we'll see prices come down farther.

We are on the brink of the time to stock up. :)

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