The long dry spell is over...

by pokynojoe, Saturday, December 21, 2013, 08:41 (3933 days ago)

I've been hitting it pretty hard since the fourth Saturday in September, and finally success. I've had some easy shots with my bow early on, but there were always does with fawns, and I don’t like to shoot does when they have fawns with them. Old prejudice I guess.
I've had some cow elk and a young bull walk within bow range of my stand, but can’t shoot them here. First time I've ever experienced that, and it was exciting just to get one of those big things in range. I tell ‘ya I can see now why elk hunting would be the bee’s knees. I doubt I’ll ever live long enough, or get lucky enough to draw a permit here, but it’s neat to see them and know they are around. I’d been seeing them on my cameras all summer, and was hoping I get to see one in the flesh, and I finally got to. I know nothing about hunting elk, and I know it was just dumb luck that I got to see them.

Anyway, I killed this young buck last week. Finally got some meat in the freezer. I've got three weeks left and I’d like to get one more. You can kill a lot of deer here, but two is enough for me, that’s all I kill, that’s all the wife and I need.


I hope ya'll have a most joyous holiday season, and that the coming year is the best ever for all ya'll!


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