Only problem with Glock is...

by rob @, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 21:42 (3936 days ago) @ Lee J.

They refuse to build an ergonomic gun. I've had one 23, two 19's, a 36 a 21 Gen-4. The 36 is the only one I could really get along with. The 19's and 23 the slide is so closed to my hand they cut the web of my hand in less than 50 rounds. The 21, even with no filler on the back makes the trigger reach a stretch and I do not have short fingers either. They ain't long, but they sure ain't below average. I do have large hands though and I can squeeze a piece of hardened steel until it screames for mercy but the trigger pull on that 21, even after putting a 3.5lbs Glock disconnect or on it was still impossible for me to shoot accurately. I swear it feels like I'm the only one in the world that just can't find a Glock to suit me and I've really tried. If they'd make a single stack version of the 21...same length barrel as the 21 but in a single stack version with a slide and frame the same width as the 36 with a grip length the same as the 21 and put them out with a a trigger pull of about 4.5Lbs, I'd buy two of them right now but being it's not a 13+ round gun I guess they think nobody will buy one. Funny...I bet annual 1911 sales of all the different makers are no less than Glock's annual sales but I digress.

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