There is something of a "movement" to thus respond

by Alfred John, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 10:36 (3936 days ago) @ Charles

The border crossings are subject to search for any reason the inspectors want. There is no 4th amendment protections at the borders of the country. The inspectors can search, cars, any vehicles, including electronic devices (Smart Phones) as well as persons and any property with them. This was decided years back by the U.S. Supreme court. Also when entering prison property the same rule applies as well. We had several cases of contractors failing to notify security of their intent and entered without proper authorization. Should have pulled the girl from the car, seized her cell phone, searched her and her car. Take about a doing that. She has no recourse on probable cause or lack of warrant. Wishing everyone there a good day and Merry Christmas.
P.S. The border extends for this purpose two hundred miles into the U.S. Florida the entire state is subject this due to the ocean and the Gulf. Just saying

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