Yes. Unfortunately, they are not stupid and are

by John Meeker @, Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 14:50 (3937 days ago) @ Hobie

You pegged it, that even on 'our' side, the arguments are too often simplistic and missing the underlying points of the opposition's intentions. They are TOTALITARIANS, in the final sense. Compromise, for them, is simply delaying the inevitable goal. It's classic Comintern, even if the present participants don't recognize their own political ancestors.

So many on our side beleive that paper, and words, and promises mean something -- because to themn, those pledges are real. For the aunties, it is all a smoke screen for the nexy step to inevitability. The people on this board are considerably ahead of the average Joe in The Show, but from listening to the actual walk-around conversation and reading the 'Net, it's not going take even an evil Machiavelli, to achieve the planned serfdom.

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