Keynesian, despised Republicans - not surprising outcome...

by Miles Fortis ⌂ @, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Saturday, December 14, 2013, 11:37 (3940 days ago) @ Paul

Here's a post on another board that might be relevant

Re: Article Discussion: Arapahoe High gunman held strong politic
by NoCommonSenseLeft Today, 7:28

All these shootings are a direct result of our turn towards being politically correct. We are teaching our kids that there are no winners and losers by awarding them with participation trophies or ribbons. The PC teachings, that everyone is a winner, are only setting up kids for failure in society.

Regardless of what the PC crowd would like everyone to think bullying actually helps kids deal with rejection, learn how to cope and build up thicker skin in order to deal with it. Losing often helps motivate kids to try harder to succeed and teaching responsibility for one’s actions helps prepare them for the reality of humanity-the strong will over power the weak when the PC crowd is not protecting them.

The reality is this type of teaching is actually creating more problems than if they were taught to deal with the realities over a long childhood. No the PC crowd shelters these kids until one day reality strikes home and they go off the deep end.

Take this loser. he had strong political beliefs most likely instilled by his parents and reinforced by his politically correct protectors. He goes through life being told he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Then he gets to his teens only to find that he isn’t special and that he is barely able to hold his own with his peers. In fact he finds that he is less than special often leading to being bullied by his peers.

Imagine this kid going to a national debate contest that actually awards for performance. He finds out that he isn’t even in the top 60 in the nation (arrogance created by false kudos). He gets demoted for his poor performance and his reaction is to go kill the teacher! In the real world this kid should have been taught from his birth through his 16 years that in order to be special you have to work at it. In order to succeed you have to fail, in order to win you first must be able to lose and most importantly you must be willing to accept the realities of your abilities and there limitations.

The Politically Correct crowd failed this kid by protecting him from the realities of life. Kids need to know its ok to fall down, its ok that you are different and its ok to be you. Instead the PC crowd tries to create false realities to “protect” the kids when in fact they are only making it worse. It is just like the parents that kill all the bacteria in their house and constantly avoid allowing their kids from touching anything dirty only to find that their immune system is weaker allowing for more infections.

Parenting and teaching is to allow kids to fail, to tell them the realities and help them deal with them as they come. Instead they are thrown out into society without any immune system to deal with all the bumps and bruises life dishes out.

Gun control will never stop this from happening-We need Politically Correct Control STOP THE FALSE TEACHINGS and teach the reality of life. There are Winners, Losers and everything in between.


And another news article about the specific targeting of his debate teacher (he'd been kicked off the team)

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