thoughts on the Ruger 1-A in.....

by Jared, Friday, December 13, 2013, 13:29 (3941 days ago) @ Todd C

I really like it. Mine is 8# on the nose with a 1.75x6 Leupold, Murray sling and one up the pipe. And it is almost the same length as my guide gun. I wouldn't want it any heavier. I plan on it being my go to hunting rifle for a while, and am well stocked in .35 caliber projectiles plus a couple of molds. Whenever I get to go elk hunting that is the rifle I would grab. Also whenever roger and I go plains game hunting I plan on taking it.

It can be very accurate. I have numerous 1/2 to 1" groups. But once the barrel warms the groups do open some but the POI stays consistent and the groups rarely go over 2" from a HOT barrel. I had one bout of wondering zero but it turns out one of the rings came loose. I have at least 350 rounds through it probably closer to 500.(I don't keep meticulous records like Terry does) for me the recoil is heavy but comfortable enough to shoot quite a bit in one setting. For something to carry I wouldn't want anything much heavier. I really think the more I shoot it the more it is settling in.

Mine likes 200 and 250gr bullets but I haven't found a really good load yet with 225s. Using RL15 I have pushed 250s to 2550 FPS and could get 2600 using older Alliant data. A 225 gr is good for 2650-2700 with RL15. 200s go 2800+ But is used a different powder can't recall which off the top of my head. Varget is reported to be a good powder too.

I did have a couple of cases I got that were once fired from someone else that missfired because the headspace was too short. I haven't had any trouble with factory loads, or loads fired in my other Whelen. I heard rumors that some of the #1 Whelens had excessive headspace, but wonder if that is true or they were using out of spec dies.

If you decide to get one hopefully you can find one with nice wood. I looked off and one for a couple of years before I found mine, most seem to have fairly plain wood.

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