Sheild XDs etc mid sized autos: I LIKE em!

by John Meeker @, Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 18:07 (3944 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Rob, after my recent fo-round w/compact Nine trial, I agree that a compact NINE has a lot going for it. I just picked the wrong one for my accustomed grip and trigger habits. The XD may be where that 'X' crosses, for me ownse'f. I disliked the Shield simply because it's ergo-nom-icks didn't seem comfortable to me, A fine little popper, otherwise, tho, the trigger seemed a bit sketchy for consistent release. JMHO.

Presently, it's J's, but there is no denying the improved capabilities the little semi-auto offer. Next excursion -- I'll rent one at a local range and run a box thru it, before laying out green.

One of things that this agglomeration of folks offers. beside good folks, is genuine knowledge. Don't frequent many BBS anymore, but this one stays on the checklist __ thanks to all you contributors for sharing your life and knowledge. Nice ta have met ya.

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