Extraction issue...

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 07:43 (3944 days ago) @ rob

Rob, what are you talking about when you say that it won't extract? Does it leave the case in the chamber or does it pull it out partially and drop it in the action?

The reason I ask is that Dad had a Marlin 25 when we were growing up. It was marvelously accurate but extraction was iffy at times. It had the same type of extractor setup, from what I recall. At the time I didn't know much about filing on guns and such, but today I'd give that extractor a few strokes with a fine file to see if I could get it to bite into the rim a bit when moving backwards. I don't think the extraction issue is related to the firing pin issue. Methinks they are separate problems. Once you get it to fire, take a look at what it would take for the extractor to grip that rim long enough to get it out and toss it a ways.

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