Charles, you nailed it. There is a WHOLE 'nuther world -

by John Meeker @, Tuesday, December 03, 2013, 08:50 (3951 days ago) @ Charles

out there, filled with increasingly sophisticated means and awareness. Of which said planetary population, is rapidly gaining parity with the old Colonial Euro-culture powers. In fact, the historical European expansion and dominance - whether in science or ambition or education is pretty much sliding over the top of it's apogee, regarding the generations coming along behind us. Not tomorrow, not real soon, but eventually history will take the turns it has always taken.

We are not yet a modern version of Abyssinian bas-reliefs hung on some conquerors wall, but there is always that vacuum waiting to be filled by newly ascendant former subjects, who eagerly take title to the physical remains of cultures that just collapse from within.

"We" may not be there yet, but our nation has spent it's post-war dominance on poor choices: tactically, culturally, and now -- more and more -- just frivolously. Given the increasing and sophisticated dominance of the narrow interests in communications and entertainment, and their alliance with 'progressive' government elements, I tend to think that a different and unforeseen type of oppressive rule is now gaining momentum, to willing demographic for whom toys and comfort are all.

Just my grumpy late AM opinion, and certainly not a patented truth upon reality.

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