Vis-a vis concealed carry discussion -- new gun...

by John Meeker @, Sunday, December 01, 2013, 16:46 (3953 days ago)

My tac-shooter nephew in law has kept trying to drag me into the 21st century, hence the AR's-tryout business, and owning a Glock Nine & etc. Almost feel like I'm obligated to set up a full combat-vest rig, incl ballistic armor, just to answer the door -- or I'm just not doing my part to keep the neighborhood safe. And in truth, if I didn't think there was a bit of possible reality in doing that, I'd rather have put the money into blue steel, walnut and all that old-fashioned sporting stuff. And etc, .....which goods would need taking care of..and etc, Ad Nauseum.

Soooo...Nephew has really kept reminding me what a great carry gun, is the S-W Shield -- in 9MM Modern Loads. Mind you, I have had and liked divers Semi's, thrill. No different than using a good tiller to plow the garden vs a two-hand and a foot spade. Question of how big is the expected garden?

Gander's Thanksgiving sale allotment of fifty arrived; had a pre-arranged a counter guy I know there to alert me. Got one of the last four, the others having zipped out in sweaty-hot hands in less than 48 hrs.

Gotta say -- they are very flat, and with the extendo mag, fit quite well into my shooting grip. Report will follow, tho in the midst of the "Can I have Granny's rocker re-done by Christmas' rush. Not as bad in other years, since I took to giving out realistic wait times: "Yup, by Easter, in time for next Christmas.'

Now I hafta find plain stocks for the fancy .357 Marlin; just too danged mint -- and thick to suit me. hate to start using it, but they ar a lot of fun, and I'll let the estate worry about 'condition'. Well, dang -- here I went and wrote another longish keyboard exercise, but if this hobby..unh...obsession..unh ---- madness WASN'T fun then why bother. Just turn on the brain-sucking box in the living room and watch Miley cyrus on the 'Nets - yeah,. right.

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