I bought a "supplemental" concealed carry gun......

by Murphy @, Saturday, November 30, 2013, 16:09 (3954 days ago) @ Harry O-1

A very wise decision.

I have ham sized hands and getting into a front jeans pocket, isn't an easy proposition. Make that double if I'm seated.

And, food for thought for those who may think carrying two guns is a bit paranoid. No it isn't. We have no say so-in when and where we may be called upon to defend our life or the lives of our loved ones.

Many things can happen during an altercation beyound our control. Anywhere from fending off an attacker who is bigger and stronger with your strong arm (which is typically the one we also use to shoot with), to being pinned down to the ground and unable to access your weapon.

I never was one to stand around with my hands in my pockets for no reason. More and more these days, I have a tendacy to do just that when standing in line waiting for something at various places.


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