Switching from shotgun to rifle.

by cas, Tuesday, November 26, 2013, 00:41 (3959 days ago) @ woody

It's funny, for years I sat on the edge of corn fields, or lay in the middle of them, with a shotgun, wishing I had a rifle because everything was just out of range.

That ultimately lead me to scoped revolvers, then to single shot pistols. Finally I had the ability to shoot 150-300 yards with ease.
I hunted exclusively with "technical handguns" for a bunch of years. As fate would have it, I never shot one farther than I could have with the shotgun. Most were close.

Eventually we switched to rifle as well. About that same time, I either lost access or the fields themselves. With a lifetime's worth of rifles I was never able to hunt with, I broke them out. Since I've switched to rifles, I haven't shot a deer farther away than 30 yards. Go figure.

The even more ironic part is most the rifles I've been hunting with now are older ones... shorter, fatter cartridges. Pistol rounds, black powder rounds, paper patched bullets… shooting things with about the same ballistics I lamented being stuck with 25+ years ago. I've come full circle. lol

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