Seems to be a great powder in the 218, my WIn 43

by John K., Sunday, November 24, 2013, 09:08 (3960 days ago) @ Hobie

likes it.


DON'T try to reach high velocities with light bullets.

The throat erosion with Lil Gun is not an internet rumor. One actual experiment with light bullets, heavy charges ruined a 454 FA Mod 83's throat in about 50 rounds. Disremember the actual count, but it was something like 47 or 63 - and the man is utterly trustworthy and certainly knows FAs. That's probably on the far extreme end of the scale, considering the pressures involved would unwrap a Ruger with the first shot. I avoid light bullets with this powder to try and minimize flame/powder damage in the throat to a minimum. So far haven't noticed anything unusual.

Plus, I don't really shoot the 218 all that much. The Ruger bolt is my stepdaughter's hunting rifle - doubt it will be shot a lot. Neither gun will see rapid-fire.

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