Anyone handled a Boberg? Hoot?

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, February 04, 2012, 19:18 (4624 days ago)

Boberg Arms



Anyone handled a Boberg? Hoot?

by Frank McClelland @, LOWELL Michigan, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 07:11 (4623 days ago) @ Hobie

NO, but I would like to shoot one. John M. sent me the link, it sure looks small. they want a thousand up front. hope they make it in the market.:-D PS. got any snow over there Hoot??

Anyone handled a Boberg? Hoot?

by Gunner @, St Louis, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 09:14 (4623 days ago) @ Hobie

Have never even heard of this pistol........Will it make it??? They might sell a few, but with a list price $995, they most likely will gather dust on a dealer's shelf. The odd design of pulling a round out of the magazine, backwards into the frame void, then up,changing angles then the slide pushes the round into the chamber.

Too much movement and angle changes. A little too gimmicky. The magazine feed lips look a little weak, odd design, three on each side?? Doesn't look it would take much to damage them and cause reliability issues.

The PR department is a little over the top......too much bs on their website.

"power of a full-sized 9mm/9mm+P pistol in a pocket-sized form"

"Boberg XR9-S Shorty was designed to duplicate the ballistics of the G26 "Baby Glock"

OK, which is it full size performance or baby glock???? I understand every company is fighting for sales but I can not stand marketing bs.


Anyone handled a Boberg? Hoot?

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 10:09 (4623 days ago) @ Gunner

I think their point is that by drawing the cartridge FROM the magazine it goes into the barrel further back, so while the firearms LOA is the same as a 26 the barrel is longer and so more velocity is possible.

As to the feed lips. I'm wondering if they aren't as stressed as the more conventional magazine. The front "lip"'s purpose is obvious, it serves to keep the round correctly positioned just as the rear of the magazine does in a conventional magazine.

They do have problems with poorly crimped ammo as it will apparently yank the case right off the bullet!

The price isn't that ridiculous when you look what some folks are paying for other pistols including 1911s. As to sales, they apparently have all they can handle for the moment. I guess we'll see!



Anyone handled a Boberg? Hoot?

by Tam ⌂ @, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 13:26 (4623 days ago) @ Gunner

A bent feed lip would be bad, but they're pretty beefy. And there's no separate follower, either.

Since the slide doesn't lock back on the last round, reload times are slow, but then so are a J-frame's, and this thing holds more rounds.

The feed design does require rounds with a good crimp.

MSRP may be just under a grand, but that's MSRP. MSRP on the scandium J-frame Smiths is over a grand. MSRP on the Rohrbaugh is over $1100. The boutique pocket gun market is small, but it exists.

Anyone handled a Boberg? Hoot?

by Gunner @, St Louis, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 15:33 (4623 days ago) @ Tam
edited by Gunner, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 15:38

Lets compare apples to apples, not overpriced Smith revolvers.......

--------- XR-9-S --- LC9
Length --- 5.1 --- 6.0
Width --- .96 --- .90
Height --- 4.2 --- 4.5
Bbl --- 3.35 --- 3.12
Capacity --- 7 --- 7
List --- $995 --- $525

Lets see.....close in size, similar materials and construction, one from a proven company, ones not. One uses a common operating system, one uses a odd, unproven system. Barrel length comparsion- .23" difference, shows Boberg is using BS pr on their website, so power about equal. Price, HUGE difference!!!! What is the street price on a Boberg??? Nothing listed on Gunbroker, LC9 pricing on Gunbroker runs $275 to $375. I think the answer is pretty easy, as to which one to buy. And which company is trying screw money from the gun buying public.


Get 'r done.............

by Byron, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 15:55 (4623 days ago) @ Gunner

While I have a few fancy handguns, both revolvers and autopistols, the sidearm chosen for personal carry is based on simple guidelines. Handy, small, sure fire reliable, (fairly) powerful, high capacity and generally easy to handle and shoot quickly and accurately. Should be able to jerk it out quick and point shoot into a doorknob at 10 feet most of the time.


This gets my vote. 13 rounds of +P+ 9mm that fire every time you pull the trigger. Extra mag makes it an even 25. Got pistols that cost 10 times a much that don't get the job done better.


Get 'r done.............

by Tam ⌂ @, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 19:08 (4623 days ago) @ Byron

I wouldn't line my cat's litterbox with ground-up Kel Tecs. Just sayin'.


by Byron, Monday, February 06, 2012, 06:20 (4622 days ago) @ Tam

Must be having a bad day.....


Anyone handled a Boberg? Hoot?

by Tam ⌂ @, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 19:05 (4623 days ago) @ Gunner

So, let me make sure I have this straight: You'd never heard about this pistol, by your own admission, until you read about it this morning on the internet, and now you're an expert on it, having looked at pictures on the internet?


Your ideas intrigue me and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.:-P

Anyone handled a Boberg? Hoot?

by Gunner @, St Louis, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 19:29 (4623 days ago) @ Tam

NEVER claimed to be an expert!

But I have read about, handled and fired many types of weapons in 32 years.

Here's my take on Boberg...

1) Their feed design looks unreliable, too much movement by the round before it chambers. The best auto designs all have short movement, with little to no angle of the round before feeding into the barrel chamber from the magazine.

2) Their BS on the web site....
"power of a full-sized 9mm/9mm+P pistol in a pocket-sized form"

based on their feeding design that allows a longer barrel, .23" more than a LC9!

"Boberg XR9-S Shorty was designed to duplicate the ballistics of the G26 "Baby Glock"

baby glock is considered a compact pistol, isn't?

Too much BS marketing to be taken serious.

3) Retail price is a joke. Almost twice retail price of a Ruger LC9, which is very close in size, with a better feeding system.

4) Feed lips on their magazine looks too fragile to last long term, my bet, one drop onto the ground will ruin the magazine.

Expert, no, just able to tell the difference from a good design to what comes out of the south end of a cow.


Tam, we're generaly civil to each other here. Try &

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 21:00 (4623 days ago) @ Tam

keep it that way.
Rob Leahy
Simply Rugged Holsters

Of the Troops & For the Troops

I'll second that

by Jhenry, Monday, February 06, 2012, 06:47 (4622 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Less than civil behavior is a fast way to ruin a board. We here have seen quite a few good folks leave in a huff over such things over the years.

Tam, we're generaly civil to each other here. Try &

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Monday, February 06, 2012, 19:32 (4622 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

This a first time for me hearing such a statement on our board. We are better then that. Hope you have ended it. Don't like it one bit.


Is it really always all about price? The mechanism in-

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Monday, February 06, 2012, 07:24 (4622 days ago) @ Gunner

trigues me. In drawing the cartridge from the magazine it puts structural demands on the cartridge. There are some MGs that draw the cartridge from the belt but I don't think I've heard of them disassembling cartridges. Re-examining the images of the magazine it seems more sturdy than I was thinking previously...

Anyway, is price always the sole consideration? I mean, would we have Colt, USFA and FA single-actions if a Ruger would do? Would people customize the Ruger SAs? Granted, it matters to many but it isn't all there is. Consider this, there are places where Byron's Kel-Tec would fetch the price the Boberg is fetching (MSRP or not). In fact, that company's PMR-30 is still getting double the MSRP from some folks and not all of them have the dollars to fritter away. Also, this is early in the marketing cycle, either the gun will go away or it will eventually be manufactured in a way at a scale to bring the price down.



Is it really always all about price? The mechanism in-

by Gunner @, St Louis, Monday, February 06, 2012, 16:26 (4622 days ago) @ Hobie

True but don't MG's pull the cartridge and chamber in a mostly straight line?? The Boberg pulls the cartridge backwards, uphill, changes angles, then chambers. I would suspect the slightest out of alignment of a part or dirt in the mechanism would choke the gun. is a beef with me. Way out of proportion for what the pistol. I understand they need to get their investment out of the pistol and be able to stay in business. Granted their are suckers out there who will pony up the money to buy one, like the PMR-30, but there are way too many proven guns on the market much cheaper. Don't get me wrong, I have expensive guns, a FA, 3 Baers and a Bowen Classic Arms Nimrod. Silly to spend that much money on a pocket pistol.

My biggest problem is the BS on their website....the loading mechanism which allows a more compact gun? All of .9" savings over a LC9,not that much of a advantage. My favorite is the tag line.....

"power of a full-sized 9mm/9mm+P pistol in a pocket-sized form" What full size are they comparing it to??? A Beretta, Sig or MP9?? NO, a baby glock....

"Boberg XR9-S Shorty was designed to duplicate the ballistics of the G26 "Baby Glock"

I understand they are hyping the pistol to get sales, I just dislike BS marketing.

In the end I say to each his own, no I am not going to campaign against the Boberg, all I was doing was offering some thoughts on it, well until Tam got pissy, then I went on the attack, a little :-D

Have to say to you Hobie, I didn't mean to turn this whole thread into a bashing fest against Boberg and take away from your original posting asking Hoot if he had handled one.


Thanks for weighing in Tam...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Monday, February 06, 2012, 07:15 (4622 days ago) @ Tam




Oh! That Tam ...

by brerarnold, Friday, February 10, 2012, 15:32 (4618 days ago) @ Tam

Didn't know you were on this forum. Occasional reader of your very fine blog.

If I had to carry them..

by Sarge, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 20:15 (4623 days ago) @ Gunner

from here on out, I wouldn't trade a pair of good no-lock 36's for a whole hatfull of those little Bo-Bastages.

Tam's been playing with one

by Kentucky, Sunday, February 05, 2012, 12:55 (4623 days ago) @ Hobie

Nope. Haven't seen any. Read a little bit on VFTP.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Monday, February 06, 2012, 08:27 (4622 days ago) @ Hobie

Interesting tho'.

I still haven't seen more than one Ruger 1911 either...

Nope. Haven't seen any. Read a little bit on VFTP.

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Monday, February 06, 2012, 17:12 (4622 days ago) @ Hoot

I should have said in the original post that since they were up your way...



DOH!! Completely missed the fact they are in MN.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Monday, February 06, 2012, 18:41 (4622 days ago) @ Hobie

Now I'll keep my eyes open.

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