I have a MK 1 standard model that was misfiring constantly

by Woodswalker ⌂ @, the Great North'Wet', Friday, February 03, 2012, 17:42 (4625 days ago) @ uncowboy

We get them in the shop regularly for mis-fires and the usual culprit is fouling built up in the "corner" of the action at the barrel face...that should be a SQUARE corner...not a bevel.

We have seen SO many that were fouled ONLY there and squeaky clean everywhere else. It LOOKS like metal, but we dig it out with a dental pick and do a detail strip/clean and be SURE to clean the firing pin and channel carefully and be sure that the pin floats easily after reassembly before re-installing the bolt.

Not saying yours is still dirty...but relating what we find in over 65% of the FtF we get in the shop.

Reheating pizza – sheesh. Totally destroys the delicate flavor.

A Smith and Wesson beats 5 aces...

Woodswalker AKA AaronE

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