Dick Metcalfs response

by anachronism, Friday, November 08, 2013, 18:18 (3976 days ago)


Look closely, real tears! The sidewinder...

Dick Metcalfs response

by Mark, Friday, November 08, 2013, 19:07 (3976 days ago) @ anachronism

Did you read his four questions? Now I wonder if this guy is playing with a full deck. Is he an ex-football player?

Dick Metcalfs response

by cubrock, Friday, November 08, 2013, 19:15 (3976 days ago) @ anachronism

Sour grapes mixed with a healthy dose of straw man arguments. His response is more telling of how he really feels than his article.

Dick Metcalfs response

by Drago, Saturday, November 09, 2013, 01:22 (3976 days ago) @ anachronism

Mr Metcalf shouted "FIRE!" in a crowded theater ad suffered the consequences. He was "fired".

Shall. Not. Be. Infringed. Period.

by Kentucky, Saturday, November 09, 2013, 07:19 (3976 days ago) @ anachronism


Dick Metcalfs response

by Charles, Saturday, November 09, 2013, 13:23 (3975 days ago) @ anachronism

Thomas Jefferson believed that no man could be truly free unless his mind was free as well. A free man can think and express his thoughts in a free society. Without the freedom to think an express his thinking, he might as well be in chains.

The Bill of Rights, in part inculcated this form of Jefferson's thought via James Madison and others. While the Bill of Rights can, or at least should chain the government from interfering with basic freedoms of action and thought. It can't limit individuals attempts to limit another's freedom of thought and expression.

The market place, being what it is, Metcalf is paying the price for speaking what was on his mind, when it ran over the lines of 2nd. Amendment orthodoxy. The public pressures the advertisers and they call the shots. Guns and Ammo was stupid for allowing that stuff into print and I really don't have much sympathy for them.

Jefferson was not in favor of a state religion for the reasons above stated. He was content to let ideas of all kinds compete and had confidence that the best ideas would prevail. So should ideas and notions about how this country ought to be run and what the laws ought to be.

I don't condemn those who asked for Metcalf's firing. Neither do I condemn Metcalf for expressing his views on the subject at hand. In America the competition of ideas is the basis of our freedom.

Quite Right

by Jhenry, Saturday, November 09, 2013, 18:03 (3975 days ago) @ Charles


Dick Metcalfs response

by Drago, Monday, November 11, 2013, 11:40 (3973 days ago) @ Charles

Charles, I think Metcalf would still be employed if his opinion wasn't espoused from the bully pulpit of a national publication. The other side has already used his column for their purposes, just as they used Zumbo's pronouncements on AR's. I listened to the pod-cast of Sunday's "Gun Talk" during which Metcalf attempted to explain himself. Assuming it wasn't just CYA talk, it appears that his central idea was that 16 hours training for an Illinois CCW/LTC wasn't too much to ask considering the alternative was no CCW's. Unfortunately he used three different anti-gun talking points in failing to get that idea across; Fire in a crowded theater, driver's licenses, and that "regulated" in the 2nd Amendment meant regulations on firearms. The latter was something Dianne Feinstein tried to use in 2004 trying to get support for a new AWB ban.

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