I don't know about squirrels...

by pokynojoe, Wednesday, November 06, 2013, 06:46 (3979 days ago) @ uncowboy

But I am coming to the conclusion that I have become a natural deer "repellent". My hunting buddy shot two saturday not more than a couple hundred yards from my stand. I saw nothing. Four of us got drawn for Oak Ridge this weekend, and met last night. The other three lads wanted to know where I was going to place my stand in order that they might avoid that area at all costs.

I'm seriously considering hiring myself out to all these "urban gardners" having problems with nuisance deer. I'm quite certain my mere presence would solve their problems.

The place where I hunt has a new problem and one which I'm unfamiliar with. I've had cameras out since July and the only thing that shows up are elk. This is a new phenomena here. So I ask all you great white elk hunters from parts unknown; do elk run off deer, or do my cameras only prefer to take photos of elk? Yes, we here in the east are learning about elk, why just a few weeks ago two gentleman in my area learned the "hard" way that no matter how strong their conviction was to the opposite, they were "taught" by the authorities that elk are not "big deer".

Oh well, muzzle loading starts saturday and then gun, I've still got through January. I am quite fortunate however in that the lads make sure I have all the venison I need regardless of how inept I've become. They've been quite successful this year and there's quite a bit to go.

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