I tried to buy a gun last weekend....

by JD, Western Washington, Tuesday, November 05, 2013, 14:31 (3979 days ago)
edited by JD, Tuesday, November 05, 2013, 18:37

I tried to by a new revolver last weekend.......

I have one of Lipsey's Ruger Blackhawks in 44 Special, and I really like the gun, at least as it is now after Ruger re-barreled it (The original barrel had a forcing cone cut for a 45 colt. You could take a .452 diameter bullet and drop it base first into the forcing cone and it would go in 0.10 inches. When you dropped a .429 bullet base first into the forcing cone, it would go in 0.25 inches... Needless to say it leaded badly and accuracy was so-so. Ruger re-barreled it and now it very accurate, doesn't lead either.).

Anyway, I decided I wanted to try a Ruger Bisley Blackhawk in 44 Special to go along with the Blackhawk. I found only one local dealer with any in stock, so off I went with wallet in hand....

Asked to look at the one in the display case. Nice looking revolver! Popped the cylinder out and looked at the barrel and it was glass smooth.... Smoothest Ruger barrel I've ever seen. Chambers likewise looked great. I popped the cylinder back in and looked at the barrel cylinder gap. It was 0.006 wich isn't bad, then I checked endshake...... I found that the cylinder had about 0.006 inches of endshake and yes on two chambers the cylinder would touch the barrel.... Hmmmmm, so much for that one... :-(

Turns out that they had another in back, so I got my hopes up... Checked the endshake first on this one and it had virtually none. It was very tight. The barrel cylinder gap was a nice 0.004"... So far so good... Then I popped the cylinder out and took a look down the bore and found bad cutter chatter marks the full length of the barrel. I looked at the cylinder and the chambers looked like they had been hogged out by a beaver with dull teeth..... :-( Sigh...... Two strikes and I'm out since they didn't have another to check.....

I tried, I really tried.... I need another 44 Special as the Blackhawk that I have must really be getting lonely in the safe.

Maybe I need a S&W 24 or 624 instead. If anyone sees a nice 4" 24 or 624 for a decent price, please let me know. Maybe I'll have better luck there....


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