by Andrew, Bloomington, IN, Sunday, October 27, 2013, 13:30 (4050 days ago)@ Gunner
Gimme a heads-up next time.
Good Time!!!
by TomC, High Ridge Missouri, Sunday, October 27, 2013, 13:46 (4050 days ago)@ Gunner
It was a great day!
by Slow Hand, Indiana, Sunday, October 27, 2013, 16:59 (4050 days ago)@ Gunner
I didn't get a single picture yesterday, I was too busy having fun! Luke sure had a good time shooting, eating, playing with puppies and kids. I'm going to bet that he's One of the very few five year olds out there who has done any shooting with a Husqvarna .32-20 single shot!
We got home about an hour ago. I just got all the guns put away. None were cleaned but at least they are in some kind of order!
I'm already working on Jenny for going to CSA next spring!