OK, here's a 1911 story I hadn't heard before

by Catoosa, Saturday, October 26, 2013, 21:37 (3989 days ago)

In the latest issue of American Rifleman there is a letter from a retired Air Force colonel who flew F-80s in Korea. One day after taking off from Suwon AB he realized his left wingtip fuel tank was not feeding fuel. Since the right one was feeding OK, the jet was becoming increasingly unbalanced. The control tower would not allow him to land with the full tank on his wing. The pilot diverted to a bombing range and tried to jettison the malfunctioning tank, without success, and was told by the tower to eject. Unwilling to eject from a perfectly good airplane, the pilot slowed to just above stall speed, slid back his canopy, pulled out his issue 1911A1, and put three rounds through the front portion of the offending tip tank. He then circled with his left wing down until the fuel drained out of the tank, returned to Suwon, and landed without further incident.

The guy said he was probably the only pilot in the Air Force who ever deliberately shot holes in his own plane

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